

 to go

Please purchase tickets from the box office which opens at 10:00am. Play to start at 13:00.


Ticket Terms and Conditions for The Qube Liverpool International Tennis Tournament 13th to 15th of June 2024

As the Qube Liverpool International Tennis Tournament  is played outdoors, play is subject to the weather. If, due to unfavourable weather conditions or a pandemic on the day for which this ticket is valid, there is less than one  hour’s play  on center court  you may claim a refund up to the face value of the ticket minus booking fees through official ticket outlet  Ticketquarter. There is no refund on tickets bought directly from the box office at the Cricket Club but tickets may be swapped to the following day . The amount of play is measured using the official record of the court umpires.

In no circumstances can money be refunded other than as specified in these terms and conditions.There is no refund on corporate hospitality  during the tournament but corporate ticket holders will be offered a general ticket the following day. All corporate bookings are payable and non refundable 10 days prior to the tournament start.

Conditions of Entry

This ticket is issued subject to the Conditions of Entry published by Northern Vision  and displayed at the Venue, which include the following:

1. This ticket is issued to view such matches as may be played on the designated day. Play start times are variable and will be advertised at . However the start of play is at the sole discretion of the tournament management and is subject to weather or other conditions. For up-to-date details of start times and to check the scheduled order of play, please visit

2. The ticket remains the property of the Northern Vision at all times. Tickets cannot be transferred or re-sold above face value or offered for sale above face value, nor can they be exchanged or refunded, except under the raincheck scheme. Any person in breach of the Conditions of Entry will not be entitled to a refund.

3. Ticket holders may be subject to security checks that may include body and bag and/or vehicle searches throughout the Venue. Northern Vision and the Venue owner cannot take responsibility for personal property brought onto the Venue.

4. Northern Vision and the Venue owner are entitled to refuse admission or re-admission to, or to eject from, the Venue any person.

5. Babies in arms and children aged under five and prams are not permitted in any grandstand seating. Children aged 16 years and under must be accompanied by an adult.

6. There are no onsite left luggage or storage areas. Items, including prams and wheelchairs may not be left unattended. Cycling is prohibited within the Venue. Northern Vision and the Venue owner do not take any responsibility for any loss or damage to bicycles parked in bicycle racks (which are left at the owner’s own risk).

7. No dogs are allowed in the Venue, except for registered guide and assistance dogs.  Registered guide and assistance dogs are only allowed in the disabled areas on Centre Court. Individuals wishing to access Centre Court  with their registered guide or assistance dog must buy a ticket for the disabled area.

8. Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is only permitted in the designated area. Ticket holders are not permitted to bring alcohol into the Venue.  The consumption of alcohol is permitted only in public bars. Glass containers are not permitted in the stands.

9. The following items are prohibited from the Venue:

  • any item which may be interpreted as a potential weapon, including sharp or pointed objects (e.g. knives, large corkscrews), pyrotechnics and ‘personal protection’ sprays;
  • bags larger than 16’’ x 12’’ x 12’’ (40cm x 30cm x 30cm);
  • drones, large flags (max. 2’x2′) banners, rattles, klaxons, oversized hats or any items causing an obstruction or nuisance; and
  • all promotional or commercial items of whatever nature or items containing religious or political messaging including but not limited to banners, signs, symbols, marketing materials and leaflets (unless expressly authorised by Northern Vision).
    Any such items will be confiscated and handed to security staff for disposal and ticket holders in possession of such items may be refused entry to or ejected from the Venue.

10. Mobile phones must be switched off or put on silent during play. Professional video and photographic equipment are not permitted on site. Photographic equipment with lenses of more than 300mm when extended are not permitted. Flash photography is forbidden. The use of laptops in the vicinity of the courts is not permitted.

11. Official filming and photography will take place during the tournament. Ticket holders should be aware that, by attending the tournament, they grant their permission to Northern Vision and its partners for their likeness and voice to be included on film and photographs and their exploitation and advertising without compensation or credit.

12. The venue will close each day at a time notified by Northern Vision.

13. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Northern Vision and the Venue owner hereby exclude any liability for loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Venue. Neither Northern Vision nor the Venue owner shall be responsible for any interrupted and/or restricted view.

14. No ticket holder may continually collect, disseminate, transmit, publish or release from the Venue any match scores or related statistical data during match play (from the commencement of a match through its conclusion for any commercial, betting or gambling purpose). The continual use of handheld electronic devices within the confines (spectator area) of the tournament match courts is prohibited. The exception to this provision is properly credentialed media, tournament vendors and tournament staff when used in the performance of their duties.

As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on Friday 25 May 2018.

Your data is important to us, and Northern Vision  is committed to protecting it in line with correct data protection practices. Our new Privacy Notice below explains how we collect and use your personal data, and sets out your rights in relation to the data we hold about you.

View our new Privacy Notice below or download here. 

If you no longer wish to receive information about our tennis activities, camps and

educational program please unsubscribe.

1. Introduction and about us 

This privacy notice explains how Northern Vision  (“NV” or “we”, “our”, “us) collects, uses and shares your personal data.

How we use your personal data depends on whether you interact (or have interacted) with us as a client, ticket buyer , player or other beneficiary, a coach or official, a volunteer, or  a reader of our websites (, ), or as a representative of a delivery partner or in some other way.

NV do not gather any financial information nor home adresses but purely electronic mail adresses.

This privacy notice gives a general overview of how we process personal data but you may receive more detailed information about data protection (including separate privacy notices) depending on the different ways you interact with us.

Northern Vision Limited , is registered as  is the ‘controller’ of the  data for the purposes set out below.  is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) with effect from 25 May 2018.

2. The categories of personal data we collect

We collect and process some of the data we collect from you limited to your name and contact information (such as your home and/or business address (as applicable), email address and telephone number,  records of communications and interactions we have had with you by various means which only applies to NV event participants and not outright ticket or corporate hospitality clients,

In addition, we will collect the following categories  of personal data depending on how you interact with us:

For Ticket buyers/ Hospitality clients

We collect when applicable  the email address,

personal address for ticket delivery plus

mobile or business phone number.

For players:

 Match-play and training-related data;

 Rankings and ratings;

 Dietary requirements and other information relevant for training or competition arrangements;

 Medical records and injury information;

For coaches and officials:

 Accreditations, qualifications and training;  Availability, selection and travel information;

 Evaluations and assessments of players and matches;

 DBS information (criminal records checks), where applicable; and/or

 Disciplinary and safeguarding information,Antin doping record

For volunteers:

 Records of activity such as volunteer role(s), length of service, awards and number of hours;

 Application or registration details for the purposes of volunteering;

 Reference checks;

 Disciplinary and safeguarding information, where relevant; and/or  Availability information.

Financial data

All financial data and invoicing is sent out by our authorised accountant Mazars and no such data is stored by Northern Vision Limited.

For website users: 

 Login ID information, including usernames; and/or

 Information provided through our website, including in messages and forms

, for example forms for updating communication and marketing preferences.

3. How we collect personal data 

We may collect your personal information in a number of ways, principally:

 Directly from you, for example when you attend our events, join a performance programme as a player, enter a tournament, provide coaching or officiating services, and make enquiries on our website, and when you interact with us in various other ways such as signing on to news letters or when NV staff who are working with you in your capacity as a player, coach or official record information about you, for example when NV coordinating  and organise events and competitions .

4. For what purpose do we gather your information.

Northern Vision has ‘legitimate interests’ in processing personal information about individuals we interact with. Not only does this incl clients and customers to our

events but also during our community outreach program in order to make sport and in particular tennis inclusive and accessible to all people and communities.

For example, we need to process personal data in pursuit of our legitimate interests in order to:

 organise competitions and major events, and process and publish results, ratings and rankings data from competitions;

 ensure the security of our events and premises, including by recording individuals’ photographs as part of event accreditation.

5. Who we may share your data with 

Personal information collected and processed by us may be shared with the following recipients, or categories of recipients, where necessary:

 Someone acting on your behalf, for example a parent or guardian;NV  employees and volunteers (as applicable), for the purposes of providing particular products or services to you;

 Competition organisers and officials involved in competitions you are taking part in;  (Where you are a volunteer) with our employees and other volunteers, for the purposes of volunteer management and administration and any volunteering application or project; and or  to arrange your accreditation for an event.

Data from ticket buyers , corporate clients and sponsors are not shared at any stage,

6. How long we will store your data 

We may retain your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out in this privacy notice and/or our reasonable requirements. The data is automatically deleted upon request through the unsubscribe button on our NV news letters

7. Your rights in relation to your personal data Under the GDPR, you have the right to: 

 obtain access to, and copies of, the personal data that we hold about you;

 require us to correct the personal data we hold about you if it is incorrect;

 require us to erase your personal data in certain circumstances;

 require us to restrict our data processing activities in certain circumstances;

 to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to any of our particular processing activities where you feel this has a disproportionate impact on you; and

 where our processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us in writing using the contact details below.

If you are not satisfied with how we are processing your personal data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

You can also find out more about your rights under the GDPR (and other data protection legislation) from the Information Commissioner’s

Office website available at:

Contact us If you have any queries about this privacy notice or how we process your personal data, you may contact us: or call 07950260165

19-21 June 2025