

 to go

Please purchase tickets from the box office which opens at 10:00am. Play to start at 13:00.

Event Postponement

We at Northern Vision hope that all is well with everyone involved with our event and their friends and family.

We at Northern Vision hope that all is well with everyone involved with our event and their friends and family. We hope that this virus will go away but realise that it can take a considerable number of weeks and in the meantime we encourage everyone to follow the rules and regulations of the local and national government. The 19th Liverpool International is less than 3 months away we have been holding out for the event to happen at the scheduled dates but unfortunately this is no longer possible. We are however hoping and praying for the situation to improve over the summer and for now we are holding out for the International to be a US Open warm up at the end of August and will come back with the exact dates nearer to the time. We encourage everyone to stay safe and hope we can all meet soon under better circumstances

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13-15 June 2024